Saturday, April 11, 2009

DiGi Broadband Event

My Job experience with Digi was so so so nice!!! Digi finally launched its Broadband with the latest 3.5G technology.. coollll... And I was selected to represent DiGi broadband for their 4-day launching event which was held on 19th March until 22nd March 2009 at One Utama (nEw wInG)...

16 pretty babes were selected for the launching event.. our job scope is to promote Broadband by DiGi to everyone.. Haha, cute not the uniform?? :p

Besides Digi, there were other partners participated in the event such as NoKia, HuaweI, Siemens and others...

These are my 2 friends from cinemaonline.. Haha, i got 2 screening tickets from these two girls.. Thanks ya a lot!

Although it's tiring but it was a great and enjoyable event! Wanna know more about digi broadband can ask me or visit
The nicest part for this job is Payment On the Spot~~ so nice to receive our payment at the end of the event~ After the event, I worked for Digi at 1Utama for 2 weekends... DiGi is really generous.. They are paying rm160/day for promoters!! So, I have got a total of 640Rm at the end of the launching event..


Bal said...

Hohoho... glad you enjoyed the event ;)

Jeslynn Seow said...

of course i enjoyed... do call me up when u r at KK.. i wanna go!! :p